Recap for May 14, 2014

By Clem

We have a new member as part of our club. Please welcome Alicia. As always we wish you all the best in your speaking development.

We had six guests visit us which is always good and shows that people are hearing about our club.

Emmanual was our Toastmaster for the night he spoke about whether or not good luck or bad luck exists. It really is how we view each situation and respond to it. Make your own luck.

Jackie presented a heartfelt speech about her father and how he lived his life. He would always tell her,”Life is beautiful”.  This is so true, we all need to learn to enjoy life’s simple things and always strive to put a smile on someone else’s face.

Karoline brought a simple solution to a problem when two strong willed people do not agree on an issue. The solution, take a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle and label one side Pro the other side Cons. Which ever side has the most information wins.  It’s a starting point to opening up communication.

Congratulation to Clem who presented his 10th speech from the Competent Communication Manual. His speech, ” Today is the Best day of your life” inspired us all to live each day to the fullest by being: Purposeful- in all we do, Be Persistent- Never give up, and Prepared- opportunity will come, so be ready.


About libertyvillagetm

Liberty Village Toastmasters is one of Toronto’s premier public-speaking groups.
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