Developing The Right Habits – July 27 Meeting Recap

Toastmaster Be shared her recent challenges with developing two habits, swearing and punctuality. The two go together at her new office, but she wishes only to choose one to adopt- swearing. I mean ** punctuality of course. Lakshman surprised us by volunteering to do his third speech. He was certainly being truthful to himself. Such words of wisdom!

Wes, our VP of Education held our hands through the yellow brick road, the toastmaster’s journey. He encouraged us to choose a date. It doesn’t matter where you are at on the path, decide on your date so we can be off to become leaders, and see this wizards of ours.

Using Be’s junk from her office, she managed to get us to thinking. John with his magic blue cloth and phrase, instantly magnetized us and ultimately won the table topics. Congrats John! Next time, when you want to connect with anyone, use his secret phrase.

Also, congrats Sol for becoming our new member!

Next meeting, we will continue to develop the right habits, sharpening our skills and igniting our enthusiasm!

James will be our toastmaster, and Cristina, Arash and Bob will be  speaking.




About libertyvillagetm

Liberty Village Toastmasters is one of Toronto’s premier public-speaking groups.
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