Comfort – Meeting Recap September 28, 2016


The meeting began and we inducted in new member Mireille.
She then was brave enough to give her first speech, the Ice Breaker in which she told us about moving from Cameroon to the UK to Canada.

Next we heard from Wes Vick, giving us a speech about his friend who he finds inspiring, Ben Brown. What stuck with me is Ben’s ability to ask for things without embarrassment. which resulted in delicious ribs for some lucky volunteers.

Finally, we heard from an advanced storytelling manual from advanced speaker James Tran. James regaled us with a story about a man looking for shortcuts, and fast lanes. The message – don’t compromise your integrity to find a fast track.

And finally Table Topics was led by Mohammed, and the winner was our guest Louise! Congratulations Louise!



About libertyvillagetm

Liberty Village Toastmasters is one of Toronto’s premier public-speaking groups.
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