Opportunity – October 12, 2016 Meeting Recap

This meeting was full of insights.

Toastmaster James kicked it off by describing his recent experience with meeting the man with the hero burger. To James’s surprise, the man is a speaking coach and an author of Amazon Canada’s best selling book. But James wouldn’t have known if he didn’t take the leap to introduce himself. The message: opportunity is nearby, we just need to take the initiative to greet it.

We inducted our newest member, Louise Guo! Her enthusiasm and smile are just one of the many reasons why we are excited to have her as part of our team.

Speaker Louise Bark shared us her childhood experience, which was full of insurmountable difficulties. How she transcended beyond her circumstances and changed her life is truly inspirational. Now she is on mission to help others through her volunteering services to 5 organizations. What an admirable courage and spirit!

Speaker Olga gave us tips in surviving power outages, which included carrying cash, flashlight, buckets of water, and a can opening. Practical and common sense approaches, but we all seem to forget in times of panic so prepare ahead.

To keep current with our times, we also had debates! It was a very close match between Mireille versus Louise Guo and Luke versus Dave. Topics included free post secondary education and reading versus writing the English language

Of course, we ended with our traditional fun table topics. Winner was Jose, our guest who declared that opportunity is not luck, but all preparation! How else could he have been one of the only 10 percent who passed all his CMA exams in one shot?

Next meeting, we will explore new opportunities to learn and develop so be prepared for it.

Our returning toastmaster John Kjarsgaard is our Toastmaster! Speakers: Bob and Cara


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About libertyvillagetm

Liberty Village Toastmasters is one of Toronto’s premier public-speaking groups.
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